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Eton University Student Portal

Collaboration and communication services for students, faculty and staff

Welcome to the Eton University Student Portal, a gateway for online student information, resources and other services exclusive to Eton University students. Our portal facilitates communication between professors and students, and it is available 24/7.


At Eton University, your academic and professional success is important to us. An underpinning part of your educational process is exposing you to current and cutting-edge technologies that can enhance your learning and prepare you for the workplace. In order for you to have access to the technology tools that will support your coursework, you need to have a Student Portal account which is automatically sent to your e-mail after registration.


Our Student Portal will allow you to access grades, schedules, a course catalog, fee payment, current GPA, financial information, credits earned information, advisor information, calendar, library database research, and tutoring information.



This system contains information that is the property of Eton University and is for authorized use only. Unauthorized access is prohibited. Activities of users on this system are monitored. Anyone using this system expressly consents to such monitoring and is advised that if such monitoring reveals possible evidence of criminal activity, evidence of such activity may be provided to law enforcement officials.

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