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Re-admission Policy 

Policy Number: 302

Title: Re-admission policy
Last Revised Date: 29th March 2023

Policy Version:Vol. 2


1. Introduction 


This policy outlines the procedures and criteria for former Eton University students who wish to re-apply for admission into the University after withdrawing from their program of study, either voluntarily or due to administrative withdrawal.


At Eton University, we understand that students may face personal, academic, or financial challenges that may require them to withdraw from their studies. However, we also recognize that these students may wish to return to Eton University to complete their degree or pursue further academic goals. Therefore, this policy provides a fair and transparent process for re-admission to ensure that eligible students have the opportunity to continue their academic journey at Eton University.


The Re-admission policy outlines the eligibility criteria, application process, evaluation of applications, and notification of decision. The policy also emphasizes that re-admitted students will be subject to the same academic and conduct standards as all other students, and may be subject to additional requirements or conditions as determined by the appropriate academic department or committee.


2. Scope


The policy applies to former Eton University students who wish to re-apply for admission into the University after withdrawing from their program of study, either voluntarily or due to administrative withdrawal/suspension.


3. Definitions


Re-admission: the process of applying for and being granted permission to re-enroll and continue one's studies at an academic institution from which one has previously withdrawn or been administratively withdrawn or suspended.


4. Eligibility conditions


4.1. Students who have withdrawn themselves

Former Eton University students who have withdrawn themselves from their program of study due to personal, academic or financial issues, are eligible to apply once for re-admission into the same program. However, eligibility for re-admission is subject to the following conditions:


  • The student should have left Eton University in good academic standing, within the last 5 years.

  • The student must have completed any outstanding financial obligations to the University.

  • minimum of one quarter have passed since the student has withdrawn 

  • the program for which the student is seeking to be readmitted is still available and there are no significant changes to the syllabus, learning outcomes or assessment criteria

  • The student must meet the program admission criteria, which might have changed since the original enrollment 

  • The student must accept  the program tuition fees, which might have changed since the original enrollment

  • The student must pay re-admission application fee

  • The student must submit the personal statement outlining the reasons for re-admission 


4.2 Students who have been administratively withdrawn/suspended

Former Eton University students who have been administratively withdrawn by the University will have to fulfill the criteria listed in clause 4.1. 


Students who have been suspended are also expected to fulfill the criteria listed in clause 4.1., however, it is understood they are unlikely to have left the University in good academic standing. The requests will be evaluated on a case to case basis, depending on the circumstances that led to suspension. 


Both administratively withdrawn and suspended students must, through their personal statement, demonstrate that they are fully aware of the reasons behind their administrative withdrawal/suspension , justifying the request to re-join the program and outlining the steps they are planning to take to meet the course completion criteria this time around. Their application for re-admission will be reviewed by the Dean of respective College and Provost. 

5. Application Process 


Former Eton University students seeking re-admission should contact the , asking for a guidance and re-admission form. The admission team will make the student aware of the current costs of the program and explain the current eligibility criteria, ensuring that the student meets those criteria, and that the program has not significantly changed in terms of modules and learning outcomes. If the conditions are the same as when the student has previously studied, the admission manager will send the re-application form and the list the following documents to submit:


  • A completed application form for re-admission.

  • Official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended since leaving Eton University, if applicable.

  • A personal statement outlining the reasons for seeking re-admission and any steps taken to address previous academic or personal challenges.


If eligibility criteria has changed, the admissions will also advise student on additional documents that should be provided in order to be considered for re-admission. 


If the program has significantly changed in terms of its syllabus or learning outcomes, the admission department will work closely with the academic department to review if there is a similar program available for consideration, where credit transfer could be applicable. In this case, the student could be accepted onto a new, similar program that contains modules the student has already previously taken. If the student agreed, the admission department would then send the student application for credit transfer.  


6. Evaluation of Applications 


The admissions and academic department will evaluate applications for re-admission. The evaluation will consider the following factors:

  • The student's previous academic performance at Eton University and any subsequent post-secondary institutions attended.

  • The student's personal statement and evidence of steps taken to address previous academic or personal challenges.

  • The availability of the student's desired program of study*.

*If the previously studied program is not available, but the subjects that the student has taken and passed are available as part of another program, the student will be advised to take an alternative program which will have credits previously earned accepted and transferred. 


7.Notification of Decision 


Applicants will be notified of the decision on their re-admission application by email. If approved, the student will be given an outline of the study plan and payment plan. 


If the application is denied, the student will be provided with an explanation for the decision and information on any appeal options. This decision is final.

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