Enrollment Status Policy
Policy Number: 303
Title: Enrollment Status Policy
Last Revised Date: 20th April 2023
Policy Version:Vol. 2
1. Introduction
The enrollment status policy is designed to outline the procedures and guidelines for changing a student's active enrollment status at Eton University. The policy covers the various ways in which enrollment status can be changed, including actions initiated by the student, such as withdrawal or leave of absence, and actions initiated by the university, such as administrative withdrawal, probation, suspension, or expulsion.
At our university, we strive to provide our students with a supportive learning environment that enables them to achieve their academic and personal goals. However, there may be situations where a student's enrollment status needs to be changed due to academic, personal, or disciplinary reasons. This policy aims to provide clarity and transparency on the procedures that must be followed when changing a student's enrollment status. It outlines the circumstances under which a student's enrollment status may be changed, the responsibilities of the student, and the responsibilities of the university in the process.
It is important to note that changing a student's enrollment status can have significant consequences for their academic progress and future opportunities. Therefore, we encourage students to carefully consider the impact of any decision to withdraw, or engage in behaviors that may lead to administrative withdrawal, probation, suspension, or expulsion. Our goal is to work collaboratively with students to support their success while maintaining the academic standards of our university.
2. Definitions
Active enrollment status: student enrolled in a minimum of one module per quarter who is reasonably engaged in studies, participates by taking online sessions and/or meeting assessment deadlines.
Full-time student status: A full-time student status at Eton University has a student who is registered in 2 or more modules per quarter. Full-time students are also expected to make academic progress and maintain a satisfactory grade.
Part-time student status: A part-time student status at Eton University has a student who is registered in only one module per quarter. Part-time students are also expected to make academic progress and maintain a satisfactory grade.
Administrative withdrawal: withdrawal due to a student’s inactivity and lack of response to re-enrolment communications. Withdrawal from the university may be temporary or permanent. If a student intends to return to the university at a later date, they may be required to apply for readmission and meet certain conditions.
Withdrawal: student's decision to leave the university before completing their academic program. Withdrawal from the university may be temporary or permanent. If a student intends to return to the university at a later date, they may be required to apply for readmission and meet certain conditions.
Cancellation: cancellation of student agreement refers to the act of voiding or revoking the agreement between a student and the university regarding enrollment in a particular program or course. This may occur when a student wishes to withdraw from the program before its start.
Leave of absence: an approved period of time during which a current student is not enrolled in any subjects.
Probation: status assigned to a student who fails to meet certain academic standards or expectations set by the university. When a student is placed on probation, they are given a period of time to improve their academic performance or behavior, and meet the required standards.
Suspension: a disciplinary action that can be imposed for a specified period of time. It typically involves prohibiting a student from having access to LMS. Regular suspension is typically imposed for student’s misconduct, while academic suspension is imposed for academic underperformance or violation of academic policies.
Expulsion: permanently revoking a student's right to attend the university and participate in any of its programs. It is reserved for serious and repeated offenses, such as violations of the university's Student Conduct policy.
3. Scope
This policy applies to all students enrolled at Eton University, regardless of their program or level of study.
4. Principles
Eton University is committed to providing all students with the opportunity to pursue their academic goals and achieve success. We recognize that each student has unique circumstances and needs, and we strive to accommodate those needs while maintaining the academic integrity of our programs.
5. Change of Enrollment Status
Changes of the status can emerge as a result of a student's request or university decision.
5.1 Student initiated enrollment status changes
Eton University provides provisions for students to manage their enrollment status. The following options are available to students should they wish to change their current status:
5.1.1. Change from full-time to part-time and vice versa
Eton University allows students to make reasonable schedule adjustments. Changing the Study Plan can change their enrollment status from full-time to part-time, or vice versa. Students wishing to enroll into more or less modules than originally planned are advised to email academic@eton-university.net and request Study Plan modification.
5.1.2. Leave of Absence
A Leave of Absence is a temporary break from studies that allows students to maintain their status as a registered student without being required to enroll in classes for a specified period of time. Leave of absence requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and are subject to approval. Officially taking a leave of absence is preferable to simply ceasing to attend because it prevents failing the assignments and consequently modules, which would be forever a part of a student's transcript.
The following guidelines apply to Leave of Absence requests:
Informal discussion- Students who experience unplanned circumstances that seem to require pausing their studies, are advised to contact Student Affairs department as early as possible in order to discuss their concerns and receive advice and guidance on options available. It is possible in certain circumstances that the University is able to make reasonable adjustments to the Study Plan which could help the student to remain actively enrolled. However, if no alternative option seem to be appropriate, the student will be advised to proceed with Leave of Absence by filling the form and submitting it to student-affairs@eton-university.net
Eligibility: Students must be enrolled in a degree or vocational diploma program at Eton University and must have completed at least one quarter of study to be eligible for a Leave of Absence. A Leave of Absence may be granted for medical, family emergency, military, financial hardship or other reasons that prevent a student from their studies. Normally, these are unexpected reasons, out of student’s control.
Duration: A Leave of Absence can be granted for a maximum of two consecutive quarters. Exceptions may be made in rare cases, subject to the approval of the Provost. Students whose study plan includes the optional summer quarter, do have the right to request a postponement of that quarter, and the request will be approved automatically as the summer quarter is optional. If it is expected that a leave of absence may be longer than two quarters, students will be advised to withdraw from their studies and reapply when they are in a position to continue their studies.
Procedures: Students must submit a Leave of Absence request form to the Student Affairs office at least three weeks prior to the start of the term for which the leave is requested. The request form must include a statement explaining the reason for the request, supporting document (if applicable) and the expected duration of the leave.
Approval: Leave of Absence requests are reviewed by the Student Affairs office and consulted with Academic staff, and may require additional documentation or verification. Attaching supporting evidence can significantly increase chances of having the leave granted. Documents can include: a medical certificate for serious illness which states that the student was unable to study; a death certificate for bereavement of closest family members; credible news of major political issue or natural disaster in the home country that require emergency travel. Students will be notified of the decision in writing within two weeks of submitting the request.
Tuition and Fees: Students on a Leave of Absence are not charged tuition or fees for the duration of their leave period.
Return to Studies: Students on a Leave of Absence are expected to return to their studies at the end of the leave period. Student who is still unable to return after 2 quarters, should notify the university at least 3 weeks prior to quarter start date. The student will be advised to withdraw and reapply for admission once in the position to recommence the program. If the student does not return to the University after the approved period, and does not contact the University, his/her enrollment shall be administratively withdrawn.
5.1.3. Cancellation and Withdrawal
Students who experience unplanned circumstances that seem to require withdrawing/canceling their studies, are strongly encouraged to have a prior discussion with the appropriate university staff.
For newly admitted students, who have signed the agreement but haven’t yet started the studies, this would mean consulting with their student advisors and admission team. If no alternative can be found, please complete and submit the Cancellation/Withdrawal Form to admission@eton-university.net with a subject line “Admissions office-Cancelation request”. If you submit the form within 7 days of signing an enrollment agreement and before the first day of instruction for the term, your request will be processed as a Cancellation. This means that you will be dropped from all classes, and all term fees will be refunded as per the Tuition Fee policy. Furthermore, there will be no notation of the cancellation on your transcript.
For continuing students, who submit the request on the first day of instruction or any day later than that, the request will be processed as Withdrawal. We strongly advise contacting the Student Affairs department before applying for withdrawal in order to discuss the concerns and receive advice and guidance. It is possible in certain circumstances that the University is able to make reasonable adjustments to the Study/Payment Plan or the student can be advised to apply for a Leave of Absence. However, if no alternative option seems to be appropriate, the student will be advised to proceed with withdrawal.
Students may withdraw by requesting a Cancellation/Withdrawal form by emailing registrar@eton-university.net with a subject line “Office of the Registrar-Withdrawal request”. Withdrawal requests are subject to financial consequences. For more details, visit “Tuition Fee Policy”, section “Refund: student's right to cancel/withdraw”. Moreover, withdrawal requests are subject to academic consequences. For more details on academic implications, visit “Student Records Policy,” section on Withdrawals.
Students who have officially withdrawn, either by their own will or as a result of the university's decision, would have to re-enroll if they choose to return. Students must be aware that depending on the length of absence, the courses they were originally enrolled in might no longer be available The subsequent re-enrollment procedure is outlined in “Re-Enrollment Policy”.
5.2. University initiated enrollment status change
The University can initiate enrollment status change, normally as a result of student’s violation of certain University’s policies and regulations, such as violating the conditions of ‘Enrolment Agreement’ (study plan/payment plan), breaching “Academic Integrity”, “Student Conduct” or “Tuition Fee” policy.
5.2.1 Administrative Withdrawal
At Eton University, we expect our students to remain actively engaged in their academic program, meet the requirements of their courses and follow their financial obligations. However, there may be situations where a student becomes inactive and fails to engage in their academic program for an extended period of time, or fails to follow their payment plan. This is considered as a breach of University’s policies on Academic Integrity, Student Conduct regulations and Tuition Fee. In such cases, the university may initiate administrative withdrawal.
Before taking any actions, the University will attempt to contact the student via email and phone to discuss the situation, give an opportunity to student to provide information and documentation to support their case, and provide opportunities for the student to resume their academic work. If the student does not respond or fails to make satisfactory progress, after careful consideration of all relevant factors, the University may initiate administrative withdrawal.
If a student is administratively withdrawn due to inactivity, they will be notified in writing of the decision and the reasons for the withdrawal. Administrative Withdrawal is noted on the student’s official transcript.
5.2.2. Probation
Probation is a status assigned to a student who fails to meet certain standards or expectations set by the University. This may include but is not limited to a low grade (quarter GPA is below 1.5, or the student has a ”fail” in all quarter assignments), failure to meet program-specific requirements, or violation of academic integrity and student conduct policies. Probation is meant to provide a clear indication to students that they are not meeting the required standards and to give them an opportunity to make necessary improvements.
When a student is placed on probation, they are given a period of time to improve their academic performance and meet the required standards. These conditions are typically expressed in Academic Contract that the student is required to sign.
During the probationary period, the student is expected to meet with their program manager, to address the issues that led to their probation, and devise an action plan that will lead to fulfillment of Academic Contract. Failure to meet the requirements of the Academic Contract may result in further academic sanctions, such as suspension or expulsion.
5.2.3. Suspension
Suspension may be imposed on students when they are placed on probation and do not improve their academic performance agreed according to the academic contract. Suspension is noted on the student’s official academic record.
Suspended students can apply for re-admission after one quarter by filling the re-admission application form.
5.2.4. Expulsion
Expulsion typically happens when a student engages in serious academic misconduct or violation of the “Student Conduct” policy. Eton University will conduct an investigation to determine the severity of the offense and whether it warrants expulsion. The student will be given an opportunity to explain their actions or defend themselves. Expulsion is considered a last resort when students are not making progress toward a degree or when students readmitted after suspension made no improvement. The expulsion from the University is permanent and readmission is not possible. Expulsion is noted on the student’s official transcript.